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Timing can make or break your strategic marketing campaign

Right place, right time

Target Marketing

Everybody understands timing, or do they?

In today’s world of instant impressions, distracting input and impatient consumers you have to engage and meet customers on their busy timelines and tight schedules. The perfectly fine-tuned message will prompt a purchase or spike their interests. The simple fact is consumers do certain things on certain days of the week. If by understanding consumer habits relevant to your business, you can deploy your campaign knowing when your audience is most receptive and ready to act, and drive better ROIs.

What time’s the right time? Mostly it comes down to previous experience. Look at your historical data and zero in on the times that have worked best (and worst) for your marketing campaigns.

Here are a few consumer observations:

  • The biggest decisions are made on Monday. Plan your advertising campaign early and drop just before Monday as it might be the strongest way to get the sale.
  • Social media sleeps on the weekend: Even though fewer people do check their social media platforms there’s still great opportunities to get noticed. People tend to watch longer videos and read articles. They simply have more time!
  • Thursdays and Fridays appeal to the budget-conscious shoppers: Perhaps this is a trend driven by the timing of payrolls.
  • The big DIY brands advertise heavily from Thursday through Sunday because they want to capture the DIYers market and use sport tactics to entice a heavy male audience.
  • Sunday is supermarket day. It used to be a Saturday staple, but Saturday’s have now trended towards shopping at malls and specialty stores.
  • Weekend deliveries make an impact: With less mail on the weekend you have a greater chance of grabbing the attention of your targeted customer.

Channel Switching

Interacting with consumers depends on the channel you’re using. So the timing of your social media campaign should be different from your direct mail and email marketing, and so on. Consumers generally check their email as soon as they wake up, compared to those who check Facebook. Don’t just stick to one channel stream. Here are more multi-channel marketing tips to help you make the most of your marketing.

Frequency Delivers Amazing Results

It goes without saying that “The Rule of Seven” garners the highest possible results. The rule of seven, is a fundamental marketing principle that states that prospects must hear your message seven times before they remember you or take action. It’s just that simple. This rule focuses on basic marketing fundamentals such as the buyer’s journey, buyer’s touch points, channel effectiveness and content ROI. Targeting, message, branding and design all have a role to play. If you can nail down these elements and then send your material out at the right time, you’re chances of success grow exponentially.